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I put life in words, a daily journal of records, to grow my hobby into a fabulous creation. When inspiration takes me, i let it move and make me! Discover the wonderful pages here and a side of me you seldom see. Enjoy reading ;)

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Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

This is me.

This is me!
My Precious Life :)

Like any other girls, gue suka banget nulis! Not novels, not comics, but well, writing about myself. Hahahha.
Yeahh I’m over self disclosure!
I’m oh-so-self centered hahaha. I love to talk about myself, to anyone, even when I just met them.

On this piece of writing, I’m gonna talk about . . . . . M.
My name is Dinda Elita.
I’m called Dinda. However, a lot of people call me Dindung (Dinda Idung), Ndung, Dindzpunk, Elita, Dind, Kerupuk, etc. Well, there are just so many nicknames semena2 buat gue. Huhhh kejaaam -___-
I was born on the 11th of September 1988 (I feel ancient). Sometimes I hate my age because all of my other friends were born in 1989.

I lived in cibubur since 1993.
I’m spontaneous, melancolis, shy sometimes! Trust me deeh! Hhaa
They say that I’m silly, but the other side of me I’m genius, knowledgeable, SOPHISTICATED!

I love writing, technology, art, history, sharing with anyone, sharing secrets, singing, hangin around, browsing, make a movie, editing video, lookin for new things by internet, by book, etc

I hates bakso, skanks, 2face people a.k.a MUNAFIK! I think, better org jahat sekalian drpd sok2 baek.

I love my friends so much! Berlebihan bgt emg. But it’s a fact! I’m actually love them..
The words are coming from my heart : They are my precious thing in my life! They came and opened me, and now there’s so much more I see..

I’m a moslem who’s ummm, (not so) obedient :p Gue tau banget seluk beluk islam, ilmu fiqih, aqidah, hadist, I know alllll the theories, yaa secara gue sekolah di MI negeri, belajar agamaaa mulu. Hhee. Tp susaaaah bgt merealsasikannya.

Gue lahir di tengah2 keluarga betawi. Gue anak ke 11 dr 11 bersaudara! Huaahahauaaa. So unique! Krn ponakan gue ada yg lbh tua umurnya dr gue lhoo bahkan ada yg pny anak! Jd scr gak lgsg, gue uda bs dipanggil nenek! Hiahiahiaa make me never feel lonely all the time.. hihi
Love you all my great family!! Especially my mothe.
Selain gue pny self disclosure yg tinggi, gue jg pny self awareness yg tinggi juga! Yeaah, they say that I’m self conscious. Gue tau bgt positif negatifnya diri gue.
Gue tau kpn gue jd antagonis dan kpn gue jd protagonis.
Gue sgt sgt sadar ama sifat jelek gue. Gue soktau, pendendam, gamau rugi, GAK DISIPLIN, gak bs ngatur waktu dgn baik, labil, gak berbesar hati, and many more.

Gue jg tau doong sifat2 terpuji gue.. gue amat sgt penyayang ama yg pgn gue syg. Gue suka gak tegaan, gak bermuka dua, sgt membela keadilan, sgt menyenangi keseimbangan (scr gue ocd), dan haah gue gk bnyk tau ttg sifat baik gue apa aja -__-

I think I have two behaviors inside me.
Kdg gue bs jd org yg sgt supel, kdg bs jd org yg sgt sgt tdk bersosialisasi.
Kdg gue bs jd pribadi yg menyenangkan, kdg gue jg bs jd pribadi yg boring -___-
Bahkan menyebalkan!
Kdg gue bs jd sgt pemalu, kdg jg bs gak tau malu sm skali. Kdg gue kepedean, kdg gue minderan 
Kdg gue gmpg bgt open talk, but sometimes I feel afraid to open talk with new people, you know!

I’ll tell you one thing that I have..
I have diagnosed with OCD.
OCD is Obsessive–compulsive disorder. OCD is mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions).

Iya, gue positif OCD. Dan gue gak tau pasti kpn gue ngidap OCD.
Yg gue tau, ini gue rasain dr gue sd. According one article, ocd dialamin pd masa kanak2, remaja bahkan dewasa. Pd masa kanak2 kira2 umur 10 tahunan. Yeah I think may it’s time gue mulai ngidap ocd.

Gue sering melakukan ritual bathin yg terlihat aneh, pdhl klo gak gue lakuin jg gak menimbulkan resiko nyata.. rasa ketidaknyamanan gue akn berkurang kalo gue nglakuin ritual bathin itu, for example : niup2 poni, when I found PLANG dijalanan, kudu gue baca until the end! tdk mampu membuang brg2 gk pntg, membasuh air wudhu berulang2, ngeludah sembarangan.

OCD sufferers often recognize my thoughts and subsequent actions as irrational, and i may become further distressed by this realization. Gue kdg ngrasa capek ngjalanin semua ini. Terasa complicated bgt..
Hope my FUCKIN OCD healed.. help me God, amin..

Yeaaah, it’s all about my life. Thanks for reading this blog.
Please give feedback, testimonie + 1st impression for me 
Thank you so much. Mmuaaaah

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

you are THE MOST ENDAGERED OF EXTINCTION in this big world :)